Throughout history gold has been a highly-valued commodity. During the Gold Rush, many people left families, some devoting their entire lives to the pursuit of it. God is a treasure far more precious than all the wealth on Earth, but unlike gold, He is not hard to find. He truly is a God who shows Himself. His truths are richly woven into the fabric of all creation. Our greatest insight into the very heart and mind are the Scriptures, but to find the real treasure, we must dig deep into the remote recesses of the Rock himself. One thing you will most certainly discover is the deeper you dig, the deeper He gets. In all eternity we will never be able to plumb the depths of God. It is my hope that perhaps through my own search for that 'Treasure above all Treasures' you will find something which will have some meaning for you. R.Whelan

Sunday, October 20, 2013

THE CHRIST KILLERS (It Takes One to Know One)

Christ Killers - Many people, at least since the days of Hitler, have used this term for the Jewish people. They have used it as a rationale for their hatred and persecution of the Jews for generations, and in a way, I suppose, they are right. The Jewish leaders of that day, with the approval of many of their people, did indeed kill Christ, but then, so did we all.

Scriptures tell the story of the woman who was pulled into the city streets and how many of the people who had gathered around the scene wanted to stone her, to kill her, because of her sin. Yet Jesus quietly, brilliantly, came to her aid. Though He did not look at them, He looked into the very heart of every one of them. He saw their sin in all its ugliness. The sin, hopefully, no one else knew about. The sin they tried to conveniently forget. Jesus looked straight into their souls and said. ‘Let anyone of you who is without sin cast the first stone.’ One by one they dropped the stones, shamed, with no defense before God, or man, they turned and walked away.

And so it is today, Christ looks into our souls and says the same thing. 'Let those of you who are without sin, those of you whose life is so perfect that you feel you have no need of a sacrifice to cover your sin, come forth.' Go ahead, cast the first stone at the Jewish people. Any takers? Not if you are honest. It's always easier to blame others, isn't it. Not to take our share of the responsibility for something gone wrong.

Never let yourself forget, that we have all sinned. We all have that ugly side of ourselves. The side that demands us to seek God's forgiveness. The ugly side that is in desperate need of a sacrifice to cover it.
Everyone of us is responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. Everyone of us created the situation that brought Christ into this world to be the sacrifice for sin. The sin of all mankind, not just some of us. Because of our sin, we are all, every son and daughter of Adam, Christ Killers.© 2011 Rachel Whelan

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