Throughout history gold has been a highly-valued commodity. During the Gold Rush, many people left families, some devoting their entire lives to the pursuit of it. God is a treasure far more precious than all the wealth on Earth, but unlike gold, He is not hard to find. He truly is a God who shows Himself. His truths are richly woven into the fabric of all creation. Our greatest insight into the very heart and mind are the Scriptures, but to find the real treasure, we must dig deep into the remote recesses of the Rock himself. One thing you will most certainly discover is the deeper you dig, the deeper He gets. In all eternity we will never be able to plumb the depths of God. It is my hope that perhaps through my own search for that 'Treasure above all Treasures' you will find something which will have some meaning for you. R.Whelan

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


This past year, just before Christmas, a young woman I know received a most unexpected gift. She was expecting her first child to be born in the spring, however, because of medical complications, neither she or her doctor had foreseen, the child was born three months early.

Since the child weighed only slight over one pound, there was much reason for everyone’s concern about the child’s chances for survival.

To everyone’s amazement, the child, up to this time, is doing well and, as a note of interest, when anyone in the room makes a clicking noise with their tongue, the child repeats the sound.

At a time when there is much discussion over when life begins, I find it amazing to watch a life so small, surviving against the odds, more than surviving, flourishing.

As we begin a new year, may we be reminded by the small miracles such as this that occur around us everyday. How precious the gift of life really is at any age, from the youngest to the oldest. May we each learn to cherish all life, never take it for granted, not for ourselves or for others. Life truly is a gift, one with no promise of tomorrow. May we strive to love and care for one another while we are here. --- © 1999 Rachel Whelan

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