Throughout history gold has been a highly-valued commodity. During the Gold Rush, many people left families, some devoting their entire lives to the pursuit of it. God is a treasure far more precious than all the wealth on Earth, but unlike gold, He is not hard to find. He truly is a God who shows Himself. His truths are richly woven into the fabric of all creation. Our greatest insight into the very heart and mind are the Scriptures, but to find the real treasure, we must dig deep into the remote recesses of the Rock himself. One thing you will most certainly discover is the deeper you dig, the deeper He gets. In all eternity we will never be able to plumb the depths of God. It is my hope that perhaps through my own search for that 'Treasure above all Treasures' you will find something which will have some meaning for you. R.Whelan

Saturday, April 23, 2011


A young girl appears to have caused a bit of a stir this week at Disneyland when she chose to bow to Darth Vader instead of the Jedi, essentially 'choosing the dark side'. At first it's a bit of a shock, Darth Vader does cut quite an intimidating swath. You would think she would run from him, but instead she bows before him. Still, I guess it really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, after all, Mankind has repeatedly made the same choice since the Garden of Eden - choosing wrong over right, lies over truth, evil over good. People seem to have a strange attraction to evil in just about every form. But As Jesus said, "This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light - John 3:19 © Rachel Whelan 2011

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