Throughout history gold has been a highly-valued commodity. During the Gold Rush, many people left families, some devoting their entire lives to the pursuit of it. God is a treasure far more precious than all the wealth on Earth, but unlike gold, He is not hard to find. He truly is a God who shows Himself. His truths are richly woven into the fabric of all creation. Our greatest insight into the very heart and mind are the Scriptures, but to find the real treasure, we must dig deep into the remote recesses of the Rock himself. One thing you will most certainly discover is the deeper you dig, the deeper He gets. In all eternity we will never be able to plumb the depths of God. It is my hope that perhaps through my own search for that 'Treasure above all Treasures' you will find something which will have some meaning for you. R.Whelan

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Jesus knelt in prayer
As His friends around Him slept
And in the silence of the Garden
All alone the Saviour wept

He knew His hour was nearing
His time on earth was through
But the silence soon was broken
As the guards around Him drew

He was taken, bruised and beaten
A crown of thorns placed on His head
Then He was led up Calvary’s mountain
Where He suffered in our stead . . .

The sky grew dark and dreary
As the sun refused to shine
And the earth began to tremble
At the death of the Divine

His enemies triumphant
With their guards placed by His tomb
His friends in shame and suffering
Hid within the upper room . . .

The cries of women mourning
Echoed through the lonely night
They could not conceive the gladness
That awaited morning’s light

Just as the sun was rising
They made their way unto the grave
But instead found angels waiting
In the place where He was laid . . .

‘Come and see the place they laid Him
Then go tell’ the angels said
‘For the One that you are seeking
Lies not among the dead’ . . .

The garden tomb is empty
The stone is rolled away
To the Father’s He’s ascended
And is at His side today

But soon He’ll come in clouds of glory
To carry us away
Be prepared the Lord is coming
And today may be the day

Rae Holbrook/aka Rachel Whelan
© 1998
(can be adapted to the tune "The King is Coming")

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